
Day 27: It may take all 4 years, but today I recommitted to my 365 actions.

Today I read about now-WalMart-owned Modcloth stealing a designer’s work and selling it on one of their items. This is about as far away from electoral politics as possible, perhaps–but perhaps not. So I wrote them a note that I am watching. And in nineteen days I will be marching. Perhaps these are the ways… Continue reading Day 27: It may take all 4 years, but today I recommitted to my 365 actions.

Department of Justice · Electoral Corruption · FBI · Russia · Toomey

Action Day 26: Respond to the poopshow of justice that is the firing of FBI Director Comey.

Q: Whaddayou do if you don’t like the way an investigation into corrupt electoral proceeding is going? A: Fire the investigator, if you are the president. WTF. Logged a record number of calls today — not 33, like the image says, but I did log my constituent opinion on ten issues to both senators, the… Continue reading Action Day 26: Respond to the poopshow of justice that is the firing of FBI Director Comey.

environment · Evans · health care · pennsylvania

Action Day 24: Procrastinate comment-writing by calling my congressman.

Alexis Lieberman reminded me again how easy it is to call, and how much I love both 5calls.org and my Rep, Dwight Evans (202-225-4001), whose voting plans aligned perfectly, like stars in a galaxy, with these four important items: 1. Cosponsor House Res 186 to get Trump’s tax returns 2. Support HB 676, Medicare for all… Continue reading Action Day 24: Procrastinate comment-writing by calling my congressman.

activism · neighbors · Ward politics

Action Day 22: Meet with neighbors to understand how (if?) the local connects with the national.

Fascinating meeting at Ben Plantan’s house last night–and as chock-filled with acronyms and new vocabulary as any/all of the political lessons I’ve garnered since the election of *rumpf! I took notes, listened, mused, and . . . now this. Here are a few of the tidbits that I digested in 1.5 hours at Ben’s house.… Continue reading Action Day 22: Meet with neighbors to understand how (if?) the local connects with the national.

activism · environment · gerrymandering · misogyny · Uncategorized

Action Day 20: Do (half of) what Alexis Lieberman does (and a bonus!!)

Alexis Lieberman is a citizen-activist force to be reckoned with. I am a just-keeping-up working mother lady who often skips days of activism because I Just Can’t Do Something Else on That Day. BUT: every time I do, I feel re-energized, like today. And I remain committed to fulfilling 365 days of action, even if they… Continue reading Action Day 20: Do (half of) what Alexis Lieberman does (and a bonus!!)

Abortion Rights · activism · environment · neighbors · Toomey

Action Day 19: Do what Alexis Lieberman does. :)

Alexis Lieberman is a Mt. Airy neighbor who attended the Women’s March with her partner Ilene and their child, Michaela, who is a wonderful babysitter and Lego building expert. Alexis posts daily, and clearly, her actions, with all the necessary info. Sometimes (like today) those are exactly the PA-specific instructions I need: Alexis Lieberman (on FB):… Continue reading Action Day 19: Do what Alexis Lieberman does. 🙂

activism · group activism · human rights · LGBTQ+ · pennsylvania · U.S. Mail

Actions Day 18: 1. Huddle the troops. 2. Write a dumpload of postcards! 3. Assess successes.

This past Sunday’s Women’s Day March “Huddle,” mostly organized by my fabulous comadre Jordan Bastien, yielded much wonderful time with known and new neighbors. I enjoyed time with my Chestnut Hill friends, fellow Penn Charter parents and colleagues, and many new ladies who live nearby and who are working weekly to protect and promote American values of… Continue reading Actions Day 18: 1. Huddle the troops. 2. Write a dumpload of postcards! 3. Assess successes.

activism · gratitude · group activism · moderate Republicans · pennsylvania · Toomey · U.S. Mail

Action Day 17: Prep for the YUGE postcard party!

My game plan is ready. The cheese is bought. The surfaces are cleared. THE LADIES ARE GONNA RAISE HELL TOMORROW. 25 women x 5 postcards each (MINIMUM) = 125 shrieks of “WHAT THE EFF ARE YOU DOING TO OUR DEMOCRACY???” Powerful. For the record, I also plan on sending love to my judicial and senatorial hunnies,… Continue reading Action Day 17: Prep for the YUGE postcard party!